How to run the ....XML-XSL-SERVLET based SHOPPING
Download the source files with the XSL files.
Unjar the downloaded file by renaming with a .jar extension
Compile the source files. Make sure the following jar files are in the
Run the class Product that creates a serialized file for the list
of products (in file prods) to be used by the following servlets.
See the runProds.bat file for an example
Deploy the servlets : ProductList and ShoppingCart with init
products.filename (e.g d:\xml\myxmls\withxsl\prodsOut)
shoppingcart.stylesheet (e.g d:\xml\myxmls\withxsl\SCstylesheet.xsl)
productlist.stylesheet (e.g d:\xml\myxmls\withxsl\PLstylesheet.xsl)
Testing James Clark's XSL translator
The file comes with the above download.
Compile the file Make sure the following jar
files are in the classpath:
Run the TestXT class with the source.xml and PLStyleSheetFile.xsl
See the runTestXt.bat file for an example
Downloading parser.jar, jaxp.jar and XT.jar
parser.jar : rename the file with .jar extension
jaxp.jar : rename the file with .jar extension
XT.jar : rename the file with .jar