The Project is done as a part of the Sun Certified Java2 Platform Developer's exam. Only Sun Certified Java Programmers(SCJP), are eligible to take the Developers Exam. The project has been designed in such a way as to test not only the candidate's knowledge on Java2 Platform, but also in his ability to come up with a correct,logical and consistent solution and hence check his problem solving skills.
The project does not use any well known Database system like Oracle
or Informix, but involves the implementation of a DBMS system in which
the candidate has to address to basic database problems like locking,unlocking,criteria
search and more.
The Application uses the Swing front end along with RMI for the client
server transport layer.
Java Components Used in the Project
The following components of JDK1.2.2 are used in the project.
GUI | JFC Swing |
Client Server Transport Protocol | RMI |
Documentation | Javadoc |
Debugging | jdb |