1. What does SOAP stands for?
Ans: SOAP stands for Simple Object Access Protocol
2. When can I get complete resource on Apache Soap?
Ans: http://xml.apache.org/soap/index.html
contains documentation, download, API, FAQ etc
Also http://www.soapuser.com
has useful tutorial on Service side and Client side tutorials.
3.What does XML utility class in Apache Soap do?
Ans: The utility class org.apache.soap.util.xml.XMLParserUtils
helps to create an
XML document as an org.w3c.dom.Element as:
DocumentBuilder xdb = XMLParserUtils.getXMLDocBuilder();
Document doc = xdb.newDocument();
Element root = doc.createElement("AddressBook");
Where "AddressBook" is the root element. To add a child "StreetName" with text value "1900 Exeter Rd" to root element do the following:
Element streetElement = doc.createElement("StreetName");
streetElement.appendChild("1900 Exeter Rd");
Another utility class org.apache.soap.util.xml.DOM2Writer helps
to get the string representation of an org.w3c.dom.Element as :
4. How to call a function of the web service that accepts a String as
argument and that returns an XML document?
Ans: In the following example the function getUsersOfClient
of the web service urn:PasswordFetcher is being called. This
accepts an argument clientCode of type string and will return an XML
document as an instance of Element. Setting the encodingStyleURI of call
to Constants.NS_URI_LITERAL_XML will help Apache SOAP locate the
serializer and deserializer of XML objects while Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC
in the Parameter constructor will ensure the serializer and deserialiser
for String.
Call call = new Call();
Vector params = new Vector();
params.addElement(new Parameter("clientCode",
String.class, clientCode, Constants.NS_URI_SOAP_ENC ));
5. How to maintain HTTP session support across a series a call from
the client to a web service?
Ans: First the web service need to be deployed with the scope
as "Session". In the client Call object the following needs to be
Call call = new Call ();
SOAPHTTPConnection shc = new SOAPHTTPConnection ();
shc.setMaintainSession (true);
call.setSOAPTransport (shc);
The above codes make a SOAPHTTPConnection object the transport for the
call object after setting its maintainsession flag of true.